
Text resizer

Testimonials from Children Using Irlen overlays

Children's identity has been excluded for their protection only.


Has your overlay helped your reading?

Sometimes I would lose my place on the page. Words like come and came, which look the same, I would really have to look to check which one it was. If I went out of class to the toilet and the teacher was reading the novel I couldn't find my place in the text when I came back.

How has it helped?

I can find my place much quicker when I come back into the class. I don't need to study words which look similar at all if they are on my bigger script book. Looking at small print is not too difficult now. It helps me see the signs on my maths textbook much clearer.

Toni, P5

 Has your overlay helped your reading?

Yes, before my overlay I found reading harder and it was tougher to concentrate so it took longer. Before my overlay I thought that words were moving a bit but after my Irlen assessment I knew I was right because the words are now glued to the page.

 How has it helped?

In maths textbooks it is easier to see the + and - signs. I am now reading a bit more in the house. My homework is more relaxed because my Dad realises how difficult it was for me before I had my overlay.

Lee, P5

 Has your overlay helped your reading?


 How has it helped?

 When I never had my overlay I wasn't working as fast as I am now. Now that I have it the words aren't jumping about. I am going to start reading much more books than I used to.

Aidan, P5

Has your overlay helped your reading?

Yes, very much. I didn't used to like reading very much.

How has it helped?

It has made my reading improve. Jen suggested that I get my eyes tested. This has helped with my writing too. When I read at home with my glasses and overlay I find it much better. I want to read more books now than I did before.

Brandon, P5


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